David Jennaway
It's not something I've ever done, though the SDK documentation impliesit should be possible. You will definitely need the domainname, and
I think you must have the businessunitid. You must also ensure you don't
pass any of the attributes marked as ValidForCreateAPI = 0 in the metadata
Lista de atributos de una entidad validos para crear
select *from MetadataSchema.Attribute where EntityId In (select EntityId from MetadataSchema.Entity where Name='systemuser')
and ValidForCreateAPI <> 0
Lista de atributos de una entidad validos para crear y obligatorios
select *from MetadataSchema.Attribute where EntityId In (select EntityId from MetadataSchema.Entity where Name='systemuser')
and ValidForCreateAPI <> 0 and AttributeRequiredLevelId = 'required' and DefaultValue is null
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