domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

CRM 4 - Trabajar con el campo ActivityParty en entidades dynamicas

First, I establish a DynamicEntity of the activityparty type:
DynamicEntity activityParty = new DynamicEntity("activityparty");

Then, I create a new LookupProperty for the partyid attribute of our new activityparty entity, and set it to our customerId variable:
LookupProperty partyProperty = new LookupProperty("partyid", new Lookup(EntityName.account.ToString(), customerId));

Finally, I create a new DynamicEntityArrayProperty for the customers attribute of my Service Activity, and load our activityParty into it as a DynamicEntity array:
DynamicEntityArrayProperty customersProperty = new DynamicEntityArrayProperty("customers", new DynamicEntity[] { activityParty });


partyProperty = new LookupProperty("partyid", new Lookup(EntityName.systemuser.ToString(), new Guid("047D5926-3A79-DF11-A35E-005056A9638C")));
usersProperty = new DynamicEntityArrayProperty("from", new DynamicEntity[] { activityParty });
activityParty = new DynamicEntity("activityparty");
fromProperty = new StringProperty("addressused", "");
usersProperty = new DynamicEntityArrayProperty("to", new DynamicEntity[] { activityParty });

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